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Copyright © 2001 Patrick A. Fleege, D.D.S, INC,PS
Office Hours:
M - Th: 8am - 5pm
Fridays: by appointment only
(206) 622-6696
Fax: (206) 292-8090
Patrick A. Fleege, D.D.S, INC, PS
Dentistry for Children and Teens
509 Olive Way, Suite 1024
Medical Dental Building
Seattle, Washington 98101

Do You Know Your Fiber Facts?

Grandma Was Right!
Grandma was right when she said that beans were "good for us." This is because beans, like many of the foods grandma praised, are good sources of fiber. Fiber is an important part of the foods we eat. It is found in dried beans and peas, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. All of these foods were tops on grandma's shopping list. They should be tops on your list, too. Her old fashioned favorite foods making eating fiber tasty and easy - just like she said.

What Is Fiber?
Finer is found only in plant foods. It is the part of plants that the body cannot digest. Animal foods do not have this important nutrient. There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. It is important to have both kinds of fiber in the diet. You can do this by eating a variety of foods each day.

Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber is found only in beans, peas, lentils, oats and barley. Some fruits and vegetables also have soluble fiber, such as apples, carrots, plums and squash. Ask your dietician about other foods that are high in soluble fiber.

Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber is found in foods like wheat bran, whole grains, and all vegetables and fruits. Insoluble fiber is often called "roughage" or "bulk" because it keeps the digestive system running smoothly. This helps with constipation, hemorrhoids, and other digestive problems. In addition, some soluble fiber may also help prevent some types of cancer.

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